There are still some important developments in the field of seat belts that have happened in recent years or are currently in development. Below, some important developments will be discussed:

  1. Belts with multiple points of attachment:

    Traditionally, seat belts have a three-point design, with a band over the shoulder and a band over the hip. But there are developments where belts with multiple points of attachment, such as five-point belts that attach at the chest, hip, and thigh, to increase safety. This helps to protect occupants by holding them in multiple places, reducing the chance of injury.

  2. Belts with high tensile strength:

    Belts with high tensile strength are designed to have a greater tensile strength, thereby improving the protection of occupants in high-speed collisions. These belts are often used in sports cars and other vehicles that travel at high speeds.

  3. Belts with sensors:

    There are developments where belts are equipped with sensors that can detect if the belt is properly tensioned, if the occupant is sitting safely, or if the belt is damaged. This helps to increase the safety of occupants by giving warnings if the belt is not properly tensioned or damaged.

  4. Belts with integrated airbags:

    There are developments where belts are integrated with airbags. This helps to protect occupants by holding them and protecting them with an airbag at the same time. These developments are currently in the testing phase.

  5. Belts with integrated cameras:

    There are developments where belts are integrated with cameras. This helps to increase safety by warning the driver of hazards that are located in front of or behind the vehicle. These developments are currently in the testing phase.

These innovations are intended to increase the safety of occupants and will likely be introduced in the market in the future.

    26-01-2023 12:29