3-point Seat Belt LightGreen Type A Safetybelt / Car Seatbelt

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€ 6,95 (Depending on weight)

Complete Bundle

€ 65,95

Stock : 8


3-point Seat Belt LightGreen Type A Safetybelt / Car Seatbelt

3-Point Seatbelt / Safetybelt / Car Seatbelt. Safety First! This 3-point Belt does have an E24 QualityMark. Only suitable with vertical assembly and without any electronics connected.

Car seat receiver 15 type:A (21mm) with E24 quality Mark
1 Reviews

Is your receiver broken or do you want a longer one because it is difficult to reach? Then take a look at our solutions.

Type of seatbelt

3 point seatbelt
