Gordel stop - kunststof stop - plastic dopje voor autogordel Gordel stop - kunststof stop - plastic dopje voor autogordel Gordel stop - kunststof stop - plastic dopje voor autogordel Gordel stop - kunststof stop - plastic dopje voor autogordel Gordel stop - kunststof stop - plastic dopje voor autogordel
Gordel stop - kunststof stop - plastic dopje voor autogordel Gordel stop - kunststof stop - plastic dopje voor autogordel Gordel stop - kunststof stop - plastic dopje voor autogordel Gordel stop - kunststof stop - plastic dopje voor autogordel Gordel stop - kunststof stop - plastic dopje voor autogordel
Seat belt stopper - plastic stopper - plastic cap for seat belt E24
1 Review | Add review
Do you have a disapproval with your MOT because the plastic / plastic belt cap is broken? Can be ordered separately and can easily be clicked into place (at any desired location). Delivered quickly fr

Product number

GSZW01 Locatie: FF13

Shipping costs

€ 1,38

€ 2,95

Stock : 98193

Belt stopper - plastic stopper - belt stopper - plastic cap for seat belt - E24 approved - high quality.

Dimensions: Ø 16 mm, thickness 6 mm

Belt stop with a click system, you do not have to close it. You make a small opening in the band where the cap should be placed (or where the original used to be) and first click the male into the opening and then simply click the female on. He is then immediately firmly attached.

To be used for your current seat belt if, for example, your car is rejected for this during the APK inspection. Can be ordered separately and can easily be clicked into place (at any desired location). Delivered quickly from the Netherlands!

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Rene - 15-06-2017 19:56

Snelle levering